I have only been photographing birds since October 2009, so the number of species is limited.
I've used a few photos taken in Arizona of species also commonly found in NM simply because those are nicer photographs.
Click on the gallery you wish to view.
Two special galleries, Bosque del Apache and Yard Birds contain photos only from those specific locations.
All other galleries are organized in taxonomic order on this index page by bird families.
Note this page presents only the most popular bird photos.
To see the complete collection including Texas & Arizona photos, visit the photo database.
Bosque del Apache 35 images Yard Birds 28 images Grebes 4 images Cormorants and Pelicans 3 images Geese 14 images Ducks and Coots 32 images Cranes 11 images Quail 5 images Raptors 20 images Wetland Birds 23 images Gulls 3 images Doves 2 images Cuckoos 4 images Owls 7 images Hummingbirds 12 images Kingfishers 4 images Woodpeckers 5 images Flycatchers 10 images Shrikes 2 images Vireos 1 images Jays and Crows 10 images Chickadees and Titmice 3 images Bushtits 2 images Nuthatches 4 images Wrens 7 images Dippers 4 images Kinglets 2 images Gnatcatchers 1 images Thrushes 10 images Mimids 8 images Wood-Warblers 15 images Tanagers 5 images Grosbeaks 7 images Blackbirds and Orioles 2 images Finches 21 images Sparrows 32 images |